President Maia Sandu discussed winter preparations and developments in the energy sector with the Minister of Energy today

The Head of State had a meeting today with Minister of Energy, Victor Parlicov, during which she emphasized that the completion of the three interconnection power lines with Romania, Vulcănești-Chișinău, Bălți-Suceava and Strășeni-Gutinaș, must be accelerated so that we have the first functional connection by 2025.

Another important topic on the agenda was renewable energy. “Last year, the installed capacity of power plants that produce energy from renewable sources doubled, and the Minister said that we will soon attract investments of almost 200 million euros for the construction of large wind and photovoltaic parks. The government will invest about 1.4 billion lei over the next three years to help residents in almost 9 thousand homes reduce their energy costs by up to 40%. I appreciate that as a result of the “Rabla for household appliances” program, over 36 thousand households received vouchers for more efficient appliances and LED light bulbs,” noted the head of state.

President Maia Sandu also emphasized that it is essential for the Republic of Moldova to be prepared for winter and to have gas security stocks equivalent to 15% of annual consumption. “Energy independence, for the first time in three decades, comes with freedoms that we must use for the benefit of citizens. The government must ensure that market liberalization allows buying the cheapest gas on the market so that consumers pay the lowest possible bills in winter. It is also important that the Ministry communicates as often as possible with citizens and provides the necessary explanations so that people trust that the decisions being made are transparent and fair," added the head of state.