President Maia Sandu met with Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazović

The President of the Republic of Moldova Maia Sandu discussed with the Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazović in Athens today. The Head of State congratulated him on his recent appointment and expressed her interest in cooperation in various areas that would facilitate our countries’ European integration.

According to President Maia Sandu, the Republic of Moldova, which recently received the status of EU candidate country, is interested in the experience of Montenegro, which had started accession negotiation after only two years. In this context, she mentioned that one of our common priorities is the fight against corruption and justice reform.

Regarding the bilateral agenda, the Head of State said that we want good cooperation in various areas such as road infrastructure, development of renewable energy and environmental protection, support for rural entrepreneurship and tourism. The officials also agreed to speed up the signing of the Agreement on Education, Science and Innovation, drafted by the authorities of the two countries.