The President of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Dodon, accompanied by the First Lady of Galina Dodon, left their voice for the resignation of the mayor of the capital, Dorin Chirtoaca

The President of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Dodon, accompanied by the First Lady of Galina Dodon, left their voice for the resignation of the mayor of the capital, Dorin Chirtoaca

According to Igor Dodon, holding a referendum is already a success, and such a referendum is held for the first time in 26 years. "I, like many tens of thousands of other townspeople, have signed up for the holding of the referendum and are taking part in it. We all differ from each other, everyone has their own political views, "the head of state said.

As the President of the country noted, today we are all united by one thing - love for this city. Anyone who wants the city to be  clean, and the capital to be comfortable, they can come out and vote today.

"The opportunity to change the state of affairs in the capital for the better, we have provided everyone. Now the decision is for every person in part," Igor Dodon concluded.