Moldovan president attends business forum in Moscow

President Igor Dodon participated in a business forum “Russia – Moldova: extension of cooperation in business”.

Dodon said he fully backed such events, as they contributed to setting and developing economic cooperation relations between the states.

“All that is advantageous to investors who are ready to open new jobs is beneficial for Moldova. That is why we will support by all means such activities, as well as decisions taken within them. We will also back at political level of Moldovan president and Russia all initiatives for development and expansion of economic relations” Dodon said.

The president also noted that the leadership of "Delovaya Rossiya" organization, as well as many economic agents accepted the invitation to visit Moldova in the coming months, and concrete dates of the visit will be set as soon as possible.

“Negative period in relations between our states is completed. A positive period begins. Our primary task is to re-launch a strategic partnership with Russia and draw Russian investments in Moldovan economy. Due to our joint efforts, 130 Moldovan economic agents fruit producers, about 20 wine companies, 3 canning producers and 3 meat producers are already exporting their production to the Russian market. Our goal is to open this huge market much needed to develop Moldovan products”, he also said.

Attending the event are about 100 economic agents from different sectors of Russian and Moldovan economy.