Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

National Army receives military equipment from US government

President Nicolae Timofti today participated in a donation ceremony of military equipment from the US Government to the National Army.

Attending the event were Defence Minister Valeriu Troenco, commander of the National Army, brigadier Igor Gorgan, presidential adviser in the defence and national security sector Alexei Barbaneagra and US Ambassador to Chisinau William H.Moser.

The servicemen of the Battalion 22 of the National Army received 43 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles and 10 trailers.

Timofti said the programme on fortification of military peacekeeping capacities was purely defensive and was aimed at discouraging potential aggressors.

Timofti delivered the following speech:

“Mr. Ambassador, dear servicemen, ladies and gentlemen,

I am pleased to participate today in a donation ceremony of 43 units of military equipment from the US Government to the National Army.

 I believe that this support will fortify the Armed Forces’ capacities which could contribute more efficiently to achieve tasks of national defense, as well as to maintain peace within the international missions.

This event is perfectly fitted into the practice of good cooperation between Moldova and the USA in terms of international security and peace, stability and democratic development of our state.

A friend in need is a friend indeed, a popular proverb says. Since the proclamation of independence of Moldova, the USA has offered to Moldova assistance amounting to 1 billion dollars, which allowed strengthening the democratic institutions and carrying out numerous projects on infrastructure modernization.

I want to express my deep gratitude to the American people for this help.

Moldova’s strategic goal is European integration. This desideratum can be achieved by implementing the reforms which would contribute to the country’s modernization.

An important element of this programme is fortification of state institutions, firstly, of those related to the security sector.

Professionalization of the National Army is under development today. It increases the capacities of defence and participation in the international peacekeeping efforts. At the same time, civil and democratic control instruments will be enforced on the national security sector.

I am glad to say that the human and technical potential of the Armed Forces is on the rise. The new military equipment will allow the Moldovan servicemen to become more mobile and more protected.

In terms of degradation of stability climate as a result of evolutions from Ukraine, the support of Western partners, firstly, from the USA, gives us confidence that we will manage to face the challenges of regional security.

I am firmly convinced that the friendship and cooperation relations between Moldova and the USA will continue to develop dynamically for the benefit of both countries and nations.

We are streamlined to become part of a community of prosperous countries, relations between which are based on observance of international law. Association with the EU allows us to contribute to promoting peace and security at international level, to participate in preventing and settling crisis within the UN missions, OSCE, and in partnership with NATO.

Dear servicemen,

I believe that the military equipment from the US government will allow you to achieve your tasks. I wish you every success in your duty”.