Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Moldova to implement new national security strategy

President Nicolae Timofti today chaired a meeting of the Supreme Security Council (CSS).

The CSS members examined reports by foreign, interior and defence ministers, as well as by the director of the Intelligence and Security Service. The officials reviewed the main risks and threats to the national security of Moldova, in the context of the regional developments.

President Nicolae Timofti stressed the need to develop a new national security strategy, adapted to the new geopolitical realities. The sides agreed on the government to establish an interdepartmental group to develop this document.

Under the decision of the Supreme Security Council, recommendations were formulated for the competent state institutions, in order to ensure a high level of preparedness to deal with possible crises, adjust the normative framework in the field and provide information security.

The participants in the meeting summed up the results of the work carried out in 2014 and approved the agenda of activities for 2015.