Constitution of the
Republic of Moldova

Message of congratulation to Prince Alois of Liechtenstein on National Day

Your Highness,

On the occasion of the National Day of the Principality of Liechtenstein, I have the honor to extend my cordial congratulations, accompanied by sincere wishes for peace and prosperity for the people of Liechtenstein.

I use this special opportunity to note with satisfaction the good relations of friendship between our countries, based on mutual respect and attachment to universal values. In this regard, I would like to express my deep gratitude for the consistent support provided to the Republic of Moldova by the Principality of Liechtenstein in the implementation of development projects in the field of education, agriculture and entrepreneurship.

I am firmly convinced that our dialogue will continue to be strengthened for the benefit of both states.

Reiterating the wishes of well-being to the people of Liechtenstein, I ask you to accept, Your Highness, the assurances of my highest consideration.